Meade LXD-55 10-inch Schmidt Newtonian |
REVIEW ARCHIVES Refractors Barlow
Review My
personal experience with this telescope, LXD-55 10"was a disaster.
a much anticipated delivery, the mount on the scope gave out under
the strain of the weight of the scope the first night. My dealer
was kind enough to replace the mount for me immediately, the next
outing, despite hours of trials (and I've had years of experience
with Autostar alignments on other scopes) the Goto was completely
inaccurate. The next night out, the ENTIRE OTA fell off the
mount due to a faulty bolt, Meade said they couldn't guarantee replacement
for months. The scope is made in China and obviously very poorly,
the parts are crudely machined and the gears in the mount strain
under the weight of the scope. After a jury-rigged mount repair
by my dealer, the next time out the mount again gave out
completely. I was only fortunate to have an amazingly understanding
dealer who refunded all my money and sent this lemon back
to Meade. Others may not be so lucky. Caveat Emptor! I have since
saved my money and purchased an LX200 10"GPS and it's a dream