Meade Starfinder 10 |
REVIEW ARCHIVES Refractors Barlow
Review Very good optics, but you'd better be handy.
If you can't hang up a picture on the wall without alerting the local hospital's
er facility, you had better stay away from this scope. In my opinion, this scope gives you one hell
of a bang for your buck. Large aperture, light weight (everything is
relative), small enough to transport in just about any kind of vehicle.
BUT, and it's a BIG BUT!!! there are things that are going to have to be done to
this scope to bring it up to snuff. The focuser is an absolute
embarrassment. How Meade can market such a piece of junk and call it a
"deluxe" package is beyond me. My recommendation would be to order
the deluxe package for the slightly larger finder, sell the 9.7mm Super Plossl
because there are far better ep's out there in that focal range, throw away the
2" plastic focuser and use the money from the ep sale to get a good JMI
reverse crayford focuser that actually does what it is supposed to do. All
the reviews I've read crab about the 6x30 finder that Meade provides. IMHO
the finder is absolutely good enough as a finder. Sure, some
manufacturer's supply apochromatic finders that cost as much as this whole
scope, but then some people order $400 bottle of wine with dinner too! The
mount on the finder has to be secured better, but it works just fine. I
would definitely recommend a red dot finder and the ones that Stellarvue sell
are very good because the window that you look through is larger and clearer
than most red dots. Next, the scope bottom has to have the vent
holes opened up to a larger diameter so that more air can circulate. Once
I enlarged them to three, three inch diameter openings with black plexi grilles,
my scope's cool down time improved dramatically. Don't even need a fan,
although it would probably speed things up even more. Submitted by Eugene Artemyeff - ecart@surfbest.net