Intes Micro MK67 |
REVIEW ARCHIVES Refractors Barlow
added an Intes Micro baffled dew cap for about $100.00
The above are all approximations and many amateurs already possess much of the equipment to complete the system. Update (5/1/2001) I received this telescope a year ago with a well made carrying case. I adapted an Intes Micro 7 inch baffled dew cap which then made the carrying case unusable. The diagonal I use with this telescope is a TeleVue 2 inch Everbrite. The finder is an University Optics 7X50. My CG5 mount more than easily supports this telescope. My experience shows that it goes one on one against a C8 and comes out ahead in contrast and resolution. It is very compact and comes with a carrying handle. It should be given at least about an hour for it to cool to outside air temp. Its Russian made Crayford focuser is sturdy and smooth, but may pose problems with insufficient travel for some cameras. I've preferred it over my MN56 for deep sky objects. It easily resolved Theta Orionis a few days ago and Castor in Gemini was easy with both stars clean with black between. With a 5mm Radian (360X) and a green filter festoons where clear on Jupiter and the Cassini's division was a black belt on Saturn. At first glance the Intes telescopes appear inexpensive, but one must remember that you must provide the mount, diagonal, and eyepieces. Because of the high quality of these telescope they deserve the highest quality accessories. These telescopes are research grade quality. Submitted by Al Misiuk - AlMisiuk@email.msn.com - Seattle, Washington