Hardin Optical DSH-8 Dobsonian |
REVIEW ARCHIVES Refractors Barlow
The Review I received this scope on
August 2, a week after I ordered it online from Hardin Optical. It was
sitting in my room in two large boxes when I arrived home from work. Assembling the base was a
bit of a project, but was together in less than a hour. The primary mirror
was in collimation, but the secondary needed some tweaking. Without a
collimating eyepiece, I just eyeballed it. Seemed to work good. I’ve had a recent string
of clear, cool night skies, and subsequently plenty of time to put this
scope through it’s paces. I’m more than pleased with the images it
provides on both DSOs and planets. M57 in Lyra becomes the famous smoke
ring at 133x. M13 in Hercules begins to resolve at that same
magnification. At 200x with my Apogee 6mm Plossl, M11 in Scutum is
breathtaking. Saturn shows one dark band across it’s globe, Cassini’s
division, contrast of color of the A and B rings, and the ball’s shadow
on the rings, at 200x. The 8x50 finderscope is extremely helpful in
locating DSOs. Within the span of about a week (~15 hours observing
time) I’ve managed to view 36 of the 109 Messier objects, a large
fraction of those currently observable. And several NGC star clusters. And
four planets. And a sliver of the Moon. All this in 4th magnitude light
polluted skies. Submitted by Tristan Kloss - Wisconsin