Burgess Optical Focuser |
REVIEW ARCHIVES Refractors Barlow
I purchased my Burgess focuser about two months ago. It has been
mounted to a Celestron CR-150 refractor. From what I have seen, most all refractors coming out of the Synta factory employ basically the same
focuser. The stock focuser is okay and will suffice for most who simply want to go out and look at objects once in a while and are not concerned
with the actual quality of the image they are looking at etc. For those whoever that are, the stock focuser is going to be a source of
frustration for most after a time with it has passed. Mine started out being okay but as time passed I noticed it getting more and more
"sloppy". When racking in and out, especially with heavier diagonals and eyepieces, there would be image shifting and points where the
focuser would seem like it wanted to bind up or drag a bit. Objects would jump about when focusing especially at higher powers. I finally bit the
bullet and ordered the Burgess unit. What a difference it made! Like going from a slightly out of tune Ford straight six to a finely tuned
Ferrari. This is one beautiful "precision focusing instrument" as Bill Burgess likes to call it. It is buttery smooth in operation and is rock
solid from full inward focus to as far out as it will travel, which by the way is about 1/2" further than the stock unit. Now to the icing on
the cake. This focuser has a fine focus adjustment knob which allows you to focus so finely you won't believe it until you try it. When you
think you have reached as fine a focus as you can using the regular Submitted by Terry Oquinn - oquinn@aini.net - USA - 7/13/200 ReviewAnyone looking to upgrade their focuser on their 120mm or
150mm Chinese refractor, look no farther. This has got to be one of the best
focusers on the market today. I’ve always wanted one of those super smooth
focusers like the ones you find on a Tak or AP refractor, and who wouldn’t.
Well after many months of looking I’ve finally found one and did not have to
spend $6000+ to get one. Astronomer Clint Bach a skilled Optician and telescope
builder along with Amateur Astronomer Walter Denton also a Design Engineer and
Tool and Die maker with 38 years of experience, have designed such a focuser. It
is designed in such a why that all you have to do is remove the three screws
that hold the original 2" focuser and place the new focuser in and replace
the screws. That’s all folks. Now on to the over all design and the unequaled quality of
this focuser. This focusing system is a CCD user and astrophotographers dream.
The focuser has a fine focusing knob that enables adjustments of the focus tube
by .0025" per revolution of the fine focusing knob. This resolution is
essential for easy CCD focusing and the advantages it brings to visual
observation must be experienced to fully appreciated. There is a clutch assembly
incorporated to fix the position of the optical train after adjusting the
focusing knobs. This clutch eliminates the drifting problem exhibited by some
Crayford type designs. These focusers are available not only for Refractors but also
for Reflectors and SCT’s. They are available in 2", 2.7" and 4"
sizes so vignetting, in the fastest large aperture scopes can be avoided by
proper selection. My CCD work has never been as good as it now is using this
focuser. The inside of the focusing tube is as black as it gets, not even the
focusers on Tak. scopes are as black. I can not get over the smoothness of these
focusers, and I once thought that no focuser in the world could be as good as
the ones used on AP and Tak scopes. You never have to worry about how much
weight you are going to put on the focuser. I put this to the test by putting on
about five pounds of imaging equipment on the optical train of the focusing
tube. There was no slipping of the tube at all, and every thing stayed centered.
If you’ve ever had a hard time with getting that perfect focus for CCD and
film work or for visual observing, no more is it a problem. The fine focusing
system takes care of that, and when I say it takes care of it boy does it.
I’ve never had such contrast and detail hit my eye so hard before when
observing deep sky objects and the Planets. As for my CCD and film work, my
imaging has never been as good, and I must say I do good imaging, but now its
great. If you want one of the best focuser out there, ask for more
info at: www.burgessoptical.com
The owner Bill Burgess is a good person to do business with and every
question will be answered. I will be updating this review on this focuser very soon, as I want to get more feed back from my astronomers at the observatory on their testing of this focuser. So far two out of three what to replace the focusers on their $6000.00+ AP 6" APO scopes. As for myself, I’ve found the best focuser to put onto my 6" custom made APO scope. Review by Don Regan, Director of the Deep Sky Observatory, and also new Director of the Deep Sky Observatory’s planetary section. Main scope is a 12" SCT and two 6" APO refractors and a 9" APO. Submitted by Don Regan - deepsky@scsinter.net - New York