32mm Orion Sirius Plossl |
REVIEW ARCHIVES Refractors Barlow
Review When I bought my 8"Dob, it came with two brand-X Plossls: 25 & 10mm. I wanted something wider than the 25 for dark sites. After reviewing Ed Ting's website, I settled on the Orion Sirius 32mm. It was half as expensive as a Teleview Plossl. (Ed Ting tested Orion's side by side with Teleview and found very little difference.) It works well. At dark sites, it is contrasty and pretty sharp to the edge. (There is slight edge distortion, but not bad.) It is a big EP, but does not require rebalancing the tube. The eye relief is huge and the eye lens looks like a window. It dews easily, though, so I recommend ordering it with a set of collapsible eye cups. It is not very suited for the suburbs on my 8" f6 because of exit pupil requirements. In dark places, it is my favorite occular. I also have a 17mm size I bought as an intermediate length. It also works well and has better contrast than the 32. With a Barlow, it gives good planet and lunar views. It is especially good for smallish DSOs like globulars and planetaries. Submitted by Russell Hopkins - rah4@hotmail.com - NE Ohio