35mm Orion Ultrascopic |
REVIEW ARCHIVES Refractors Barlow
Review These 5 element EPs from Orion are very
good. The 25mm at $89.00 is a fine addition to any one's collection.
52 degree field of view. I use this EP mostly for deep sky objects.
It has a very bright view of galaxy's and globular clusters. It show fine
detail. A big improvement over Plossl. Using this EP in a 14 inch f/4.5
dob stars are sharp to the edge. No coma noticed. I have yet to use
a better 25mm EP than the Ultrascopic. This ep also Barlows well when used
with a Ultima short Barlow. With a Lumicon OIII filter it is great for
hunting down planetary nebulas. On a scale of 1 -10 I give it a 9 because
I have not tried every EP out their so I leave room for that. I highly
recommend these EPs. Submitted by Bob Hart - buddao7@hotmail.com
- Southern Indiana